Do you know that children of all backgrounds learn important concepts of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) from a very young age through their day-to-day activities?

Activities like building a fort or stacking the blocks, lay the foundation of STEM learning by allowing the children to design, innovate, create and solve the problems that come their way. 

However, it should be noted that the attitudes of parents and teachers towards STEM learning have a profound effect on the STEM education of the children and their overall abilities.

Hence, it is necessary that you should be aware of following essential things about STEM Education for kids, 

  • Beneficial to all children irrespective of their abilities

When we solve various problems that we face in our life it leads to cognitive development. It, in turn, leads to the development of new skills. So is the case with the kids. The STEM activities for kids provide them with several opportunities that will foster skills like critical thinking, problem-solving and many more. It makes children more and more independent irrespective of their abilities. 

  • Support From Adults Is Required 

The kids are able to face the challenges that they come across while engaging in STEM activities and attain the goal of STEM learning. However, they require the support of the adults around them, most importantly the parents. It is the duty of the parents to encourage the inner scientist by facilitating STEM education through STEM learning programs or STEM toys.


  • STEM immersion is crucial

Normally it is assumed that the actual learning happens in formal settings like a classroom, while in reality a connection between formal and informal learning, education of the child. Parents can facilitate a connection between in school and after school STEM learning, by engaging them in the STEM-relevant after-school activities. On the other hand, teachers can facilitate STEM fluency by facilitating the involvement of the kids with resources like STEM library, museum, and educational technologies. 


  • Attitudes of Parents & Teachers influences STEM Learning

Most of the times parents & teachers feel little anxious when it comes to supporting children in their STEM learning journey. But it is not as hard as it seems. They only have to model a genuine interest and engagement towards STEM education just like they will expect from their kids.

For more information about early STEM learning, get in touch with our team of expert Stemlabs and we will be glad to help you out. 


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