If you are out and about to buy good STEM toys for your kids, then you must take into consideration various characteristics of good STEM Toys. 

In this article, we have discussed the characteristics of a STEM Toys that strengthen the STEM skills of your child. 

Characteristics of a good STEM Toy

  • Used in multiple ways 


A STEM toy should encourage the child to find his or her own individual way to play with it. It should be used in various styles and offer several solutions to solve the problem, build structures, create innovative designs, and accomplish tasks.

  • Correlates to the surrounding world


The STEM toy should help children, as well as parents, understand the relationship between a play experience and the environment surrounding. It will help them understand how science, technology, engineering, and math impacts the world around them. 

  • Facilitates experimentation


The STEM Toy and sets should facilitate experimentation. While experimenting, kids will go through a series of trials and errors that may eventually lead to a discovery. 

  • Gives hands-on experience 


When kids use their hands while playing, they receive tactile and tangible inputs, which lead to the development of their brains. In recent times the physical activity of children has lessened drastically. The tactile and sensory experiences that three-dimensional STEM toys provide to children leads to their overall development. 

  • Led by children 


To build intrinsic motivation and foster self-determination, a good STEM toy should encourage the child to lead the play experience. In the over-scheduled busy life of kids, playing is something that kids can have complete control over and thereby learn not only about STEM subjects but also about themselves.


STEM Labs, an experiential STEM learning company based in Bangalore, has developed an extensive range of STEM toys and STEM kits for children. If you are looking for STEM toys for 3-5 years old or STEM toys for 7 years old or even STEM toys for 10-12 years old, then you have come to the right place. 


Go ahead and buy age-appropriate STEM toys for your kids and let them explore the world of STEM education. 


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